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The Crypto Mountain

Writer: Tanzi BaigentTanzi Baigent

As I am sitting down to write this message to you I feel so much joy to have the most stunning views through the window of beautiful white capped mountains. With Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in Europe, sitting majestically at the centre.

These mountains have been charging and fuelling me for the last two months and with this message today I am sending you all some of that beautiful high frequency power.

But just as I think about the majesty and power of the mountains, and of all the joy and success that can be had within them, the dangers can not be ignored. It is not the part that brings the most excitement but it is the essential element that keeps us safe. Or as safe as is possible in territory that is so unpredictable and wild.

And in these last few days I came face to face with the importance of calm decision-making when the risks grow high.

And I'm going to share with you this story.

Two friends and I planned a mountain adventure, to include hiking to the top of a 3084 metre high mountain, before traversing a ridge line from the top toward a beautiful reservoir half a days' walk away.

The hike to the mountain top was seamless, and so we began to descend along the ridgeline.

The path wove along the ridgeline with vertical thousand-metre drops on either side, and as we walked the path became thinner and thinner. With the wind picking up I began to grow more concerned about the risks, and then we reached a rocky outcrop - the only way to move from the high ridgeline to a lower one - the only way was to climb down with just a rope to hold onto (with big backpacks on and exhausted legs). And looking further ahead we could see our trail, winding like a faintly drawn line across a steep shale mountain side that was close to 2.5 thousand metres high. Looking across at what lay ahead I knew that if one of us tripped or stumbled and fell, then we would die.

To be confronted with such extraordinary risk during a trip that I had had confidence in, worried me, and so we all crouched down on the narrow highly exposed ridge, with the wind blowing us sideways, to consider our options. Having spent many years living in the mountains, the risk was clear, and so we had to make the decision.. turning back was the only option. The risks far outweighed the rewards.

We lost time, we lost energy, we missed out on a beautiful location ahead, but we were safe. And we were fully comfortable with our decision.

The view from the top

So why am I telling you this?

Well these assessments, and the navigation of big and unruly territory, are in a way not so different to being in crypto. The hype, the excitement, the possibility can cause us to take risks that we would never normally consider. And consideration, calmness and assessment is exactly what will keep you safe from taking risks that you cannot be comfortable with. And so, just like in the mountains, within crypto similar risk assessments and strategies are so important, along with a steady mind and a joyful heart.

It is not about hiding from places because of the risks, it is about learning to manage, navigate and learn from them, so that you can continue to enjoy the spaces that you love.

The crypto space is powerful - the power of community, belief in better, in self-responsibility - but there are risks, there are pitfalls, there are challenges that need to be navigated. When do you take a loss, when do you keep going, when do you reap the rewards of your efforts?

To know the answers to these questions we must prepare ourselves both mentally and practically for our journey through crypto. And, if we can map out the best route, can progress on good weather days and hunker down on bad weather days, stay calm, steady and sure-footed, and recognise that sometimes unforeseen issues will arise and learning how to best navigate these, then we will most likely reap the incredible rewards of the top.

Stumbles along the way are natural, and so we must never place ourselves in a position where that stumble threatens our life, our sense of security, or our livelihood.

Just like in the mountains, in order to feel confident, secure, or to know your limits it is so important to learn the essentials and to have a guide until a point when you feel able to make the best decisions you can, alone.

And in the end it's so important to remember why we are doing this. What is the joy we seek? What is the reward we hope for for our efforts?

If crypto is a mountain, then it's time to know 'the why', why do you want to navigate it, it's time to discover the way to navigate it, and it's time to begin to gather everything you need to navigate it with confidence.

And if you feel that to do all this you need guidance - then I am here to fulfil that need. With our powerful 'live' three month program coming up in September, our recorded program available to self-navigate, and the ability to book private coaching with me, you should have all the support you need to scale this crypto mountain and to one day feel the joyful benefits of that decision.

Reach out if you want to connect or learn,


Lead Coach & Founder, The Crypto Ethic


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